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FourJaw speak at Insider Media Advanced Manufacturing conference
James BrookDec 1, 2022 10:50:41 AM2 min read

A month of events focused on driving smart technology adoption

November saw the FourJaw team attend some of the key manufacturing industry events. We kicked off with the Advanced Manufacturing Expo at the beginning of the month, followed by the Smart Manufacturing Expo in the middle of the month and finished the month with the regional Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering conference hosted by Insider Media.

So what were our key takeaways?

The appetite for 'accessible' plug-and-play smart technology is growing

As manufacturers face inflationary pressures, supply chain issues, and rising material and labour costs, it was evident at all the shows we attended that the appetite to adopt plug-and-play, smart technology, such as machine monitoring software is high up on the agenda.

Why might this be? Manufacturers need to offset the market conditions and factors they can't 'directly' control by identifying what, within their factories, they can control, manage and improve. Although large capital expenditure projects may not be top of the agenda, manufacturers are looking to invest in solutions that provide the biggest benefit for the quickest return on investment.

The obvious choice! Drive Productivity and factory floor efficiency.

Across the events we attended, manufacturers were actively seeking to understand what smart technologies were available to enable them to drive productivity and factory efficiency

FourJaw machine monitoring software at Smart Factory Expo

There was a strong and constant flow of operations managers, production managers and managing directors coming to our stand to understand how technologies like our OEE machine monitoring software can enable them to drive efficiency and productivity without disrupting their current production facility and importantly without large upfront or ongoing maintenance costs.

A key theme across all events however was that manufacturers were optimistic. Whether speaking to the delegates at the shows or listening to the speakers at the conference, there was an upbeat tone to the conversations. No manufacturer shied away from the challenges faced but instead was exploring for and sharing the solutions and opportunities available to offset and overcome them. As one delegate put it:

"We know the role technology like yours can play in allowing manufacturers, like us to create value and gain opportunity across our shop floor".

How do I start a 'digitisation' project in my factory?

For those manufacturers looking to embark on a 'digitisation' project, we wanted to leave you with some advice offered by one panellist at the Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering Conference, it went a little something like this...

Start with a continuous improvement mindset and ask the following five questions:

  1. How will it benefit customers?

  2. Will it give us a competitive advantage?

  3. How will it benefit our people?

  4. How does it impact processes? Simplify? De-risk?

  5. What is the investment criteria we are putting into this project?

And finally...Start small, don't go for big-bang projects from the off. Look for the biggest benefit with the shortest payback period.

There is no doubt the manufacturing sector is facing challenges, but by working together, upskilling and looking after your people, recruiting new talent, and adopting the 'right' technology, the challenges faced will be overcome, problems will be solved and value and opportunity will be created.

James Brook
A passionate and experienced Marketing Leader with a background of 15+ years in developing and implementing marketing, brand, and product strategies for companies across a breadth of sectors and geographies. Over the last five years, James has worked in the technology space, having led the global marketing function at an Industrial monitoring and control company and more recently joining FourJaw as Head of Marketing & Communications. FourJaw is a SaaS business that is helping to change the world of manufacturing productivity through its IoT machine monitoring platfom.